Upgrade? Or wait?

I sold my D1 and went for the X. If you like what the newer phones have to offer then go for em. The X is a lot better than the original Droid.
Does anyone know how much the "exchange" fee is to turn in the X if I were to get one then trade up for the 2 if it's worth it?dancedroid
I have had my DX for a total of 4 days. Battery has dies quick the first 2 days. Today it is a little better. I got it at WalMart so I have 30 days to take it back if I want.

I am coming from a Blackberry Tour, so I am use to a keyboard, but this DX is just awesome. I just need time to get use to not having a keyboard. If in 25 days I feel I need a keyboard, I may take the DX back and get a D1 and pocket $150. But then I have 19 months with the D1.....that is the downside I see. But it can be modded.....decisions, decisions.....

Im in same boat. I've had d1 since Jan. I've exchanged once due to camera audio lag issue that's a whole different issue I wont get into lol. But I'd like an x but was reading on cnet that possibly next year there may be multi channel processors available that Texas instruments is developing ... so im like I'd love the x for the 8 MP camera screen size and the 1 ghz processor but I dont want to get it and just hit my head when next new thing comes out as early as early next year... sigh