I still have Bionic. Screen is better in the sun? Bionic screen is abit washed out white Bright! I can still see my Maxx under the sun tho :blink: + additional anti-glare screen protector helps :biggrin:. Removable Battery and storage? Both phones have removable storage (microSD for maxx, but I think the Original Razr doesn't have it), removable battery= hard to locate your phone if stolen

. Razr screen is the same as HDMI Output of Bionic, while Bionic screen is = to HDMI output from Maxx. For me this is better for viewing movies in big screen TV. Razr Maxx is 250mhz faster than Bionics, but some people can do say that is a "meh" of a speed bump. Bionics older than Maxx and maybe devs ran out of money to get full retail price Maxx

(I read one of the dev blog where people complained when dev told them to chip in for a phone to be supported)