I am going to try this when I upgrade soon. i was going to get the phone though Amazon to save $100 but keeping the unlimited data may prove useful. I however have not used over 0.5 GB in the last few months on my DI2 which is 3G. I find it hard to believe that I would even hit 2 GB with 4G but we'll see. I'd rather just keep it if I can no problem but that may mean I would have to spend the extra $100. That to me isn't really worth it just to keep unlimited instead of 2 GB. But I just looked at Radioshack's prices and they are the same as Amazon. What I'm not sure of though is whether or not I could get those prices in the store or if they are online only. Plus, I called yesterday and the guy told me they don't have the Maxx HD (or the 32 GB Galaxy S3 which I am considering). So unless he was wrong or they got it in (or will by tomorrow) and I can get those prices in store, then it looks like I would pay $300 for Maxx HD no matter where I go to keep unlimited or wait a few days and get it for $200 from Amazon and lose my unlimited. I also need to compare the current pricing with a Share Everything plan. It may be worth it to go with that. We may even add in a jetpack to use as our second home's internet connection since we don't have one there yet but will soon. At $20 a month for a jetpack, that may work, although I'd have to see what the data usage of it would be, depending on what normal usage of a computer is and how often we are there. Guess I better start crunching some numbers. Good to know that it is possible to keep unlimited though!
I'm in the same camp as you, a low 3G data user. I have read many times that on average, the amount of data people use when they switch to 4G goes up ten times. I really find that hard to believe but that is what is fueling the enormous increases in data usage all of the cellular companies are reporting. I'll know soon when I get my new 4G phone but until I do know I'm afraid to give up on unlimited even though right now I use as little as you do.