usb not connecting, no notification


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
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I seem to have a semi common problem with the droid. I plug it in via usb, and the notification is not there and windows tells me the usb device is not recognized and that it has malfunctioned.

I've tried the same phone and usb cable on three different computers. It works perfectly fine on one and i get errors on the other two.

On one of the computers that my phone wont connect to anymore, the "usb connected" and "usb debugging" icons show up as the computer boots between bios and the windows screen.

The only difference other than hardware on the machines that i know of, is the machine that my phone/cable still works with, I had never connected my phone to prior to upgrading to froyo OTA. All computers are running windows XP service pack 2.

Now some things make me think it isn't a froyo issue, One of the machines that doesnt recognize the droid now I had connected to with froyo and used for about a day and a half till it all of a sudden quit connecting/notifying me.

I'd take my phone in and complain, but the fact that my phone works fine on one computer makes me believe it isn't the phone.

I've been searching high and low for an answer on the internet. Ive done everything from messing with usb debugging, defragging my hard drive, installing another microsd card, messing with removing devices in the windows device manager and nothing. Anyone with an answer or an educated guess would be greatly appreciated.
This must be a windows issue. On one of the computers that isn't working I also have linux installed, so I booted into that and things are fine. So here is the current scenario

Computer A: running windows xp did work but doesn't anymore, appears in notification bar between bios and windows startup screen

Computer B: running windows xp, usb connection will not show up in notification bar. However when booter into linux, droid connects just fine.

Computer C: running windows xp, droid connects just fine. Never connected to that machine with android 2.1, maybe significant maybe not.
same problem

I have the same problem. On my Dell d420 in xp, the Droid does not show a notification when it is plugged in, and the 'found new device' wizard cannot find drivers for it.

On the same machine, I booted from the Acronis disk backup CD with the phone plugged in, and I did get a notification on the phone. So, with XP, no notification, with boot from a backup program CD, I get notification.

I've tried the charging drivers from Motorola (it does not charge, either).

Other USB devices work OK.

Did this problem start after 2.2 update? If so, it is most likely a driver problem with windows XP and the 2.2 update. Remember that XP is no longer supported by microsoft, so there may not have been a driver for XP installed in 2.2. I would contact motorola directly with this problem and see if there is a driver for XP and 2.2. I may be wrong, but it is worth a try.

I would also try to find someone else who is running 2.2 and see if they have the same problem when connecting to your computers. This will help rule out phone or computer problem. If another 2.2 device wont connect, then it is most likely a driver problem. My gut feeling is it is a driver problem. I know when that 2.2 is connected to an XP computer to RSD in my store, that new drivers are installed after the 2.2 update. Perhaps you just missed the the drivers in your update. Was it an OTA push or manual install? Maybe finding a version of 2.2 and reinstalling might solve your issue. Now would be the time to try it as you are back to factory.
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