USB Tether from Droid X to XOOM


Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score
I got a USB to micro USB adapter so that I can connect my Droid X to my XOOM. They connect just fine. Now, is there a way to USB tether my data network on my Droid X over to my XOOM? PDAnet and EasyTether seem to only work to computer as such with the clients being Windows or Mac specific. Also, I am asking if this is possible without rooting? Thanks in advance. I'll also post this on the Droid X forums for those that might have the answer over there too. Thanks for reading and any help in advance.
I got a USB to micro USB adapter so that I can connect my Droid X to my XOOM. They connect just fine. Now, is there a way to USB tether my data network on my Droid X over to my XOOM? PDAnet and EasyTether seem to only work to computer as such with the clients being Windows or Mac specific. Also, I am asking if this is possible without rooting? Thanks in advance. I'll also post this on the XOOM forums for those that might have the answer over there too. Thanks for reading and any help in advance. If it's possible to do it some other way, say with bluetooth that would be fine too. thanks again.
I think you can do wireless using wireless tether for root users. But I don't believe the hardware will allow wired tether.
If your X is rooted why not just tether wifi instead of USB? Of course if your not rooted that's another story.

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
No, I'm not rooted. The reason I ask is cause I am looking for a way to do it by not rootinh. Thanks again.

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
Why wouldn't you want to root? Rooting would enable to wireless tethering, faster phone, etc. Especially for your situation, just the wireless tethering would be worth it. Then you can take your xoom anywhere.

Sent from my DX apeX 1.4.1
its not difficult to root either, apps like z4root make it 1 click and there ya go, you can download wifitether and be good to go!

Unless its a company phone which I could understand.

There wouldnt currently be a cabled method since it does not support DUN yet, but it does support bluetooth DUN, which you can walkthrough easily here.....
Bluetooth Tethering for Xoom (no root needed)
Hey that link to those instructions is exactly what I was looking for. Perfect! Another great group of fellow DroidForums users do it again! Thanks again for the help!!!

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
No problem!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
Will this work on a Samsung fascinate?

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
it should. its just using BT and u don't have to turn on wireless tether app. u chg ur setting IN wireless tether to bluetooth. I use it daily and transfer files via bluetooth

Aloha from Hawaii...
My Droid X was easy to Tether to the Xoom thru Bluetooth. Both not rooted.
have a droid x rooted, added wifi tether and it works like a charm.