Just if anyone else has this, here is what happened btw:
I went to VZW and waited (patiently, well sorta) in line. When I got up to the counter, they said there was nothing they could do, only the Customer Service (the people you call) could change anything, but they doubted they would. So I said, "Whats their phone number? Ill call them and see if theyll change it".
So I call VZW, manuever through the goofy ass automated service, and finally get on the phone with someone. I made myself an Account Manager today, cause Im sick of having them ask me to talk to my stepdad. Anyhoo, I get on the phone with someone, and I just go in full throttle. I said "I want to upgrade my phone, but Im not eligable for 17 more days, and Id like to have that moved up to today. I have been a customer for 6 years, I have 6 lines on my account, and Im going to be buying a new phone, paying $360 for internet (actually much less because I get the GM employee discount), and I am a very loyal customer." She responded saying "well its within 30 days of your upgrade eligablility, so we'll just move that up for you!" She got on with her Supervisor, got me all setup.
Went back into the store, and after jumping through some hoops (the first droid they brought out had a curropt SD card lol) I was all set!