Yeah they do. "Titan" said, he didn't know what EP meant so I highlighted that. Also, I clarified what I had put in parenthesesyour purple edits dont clear anything up.
It will only allow you to go back to the previous ESN on the account.Because those are the rules of the promo my friend. Any other upgrade it would be just fine. This is a promo.
i'm not picking here just asking. but what is keeping me from going on line and swapping the phone what will happen?
If I read that right, I can't use my sons eligible upgrade and then swap the phone to my line. I wonder how that will be monitored.
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
What I wanna know is how the hell you guys got this promo guide 15 minutes before it reached my work email. haha
Any questions guys gimmie a shout
It will only allow you to go back to the previous ESN on the account.i'm not picking here just asking. but what is keeping me from going on line and swapping the phone what will happen?
I'm not saying it's impossible, but I find it highly unlikely that it will restrict you to only your previous phone.
I bet you just have to do 'buddy upgrades' the old fashioned way.
ok so I have a droid on a 2 year contract from Dec 2009. How much will it cost to upgrade to a Droid X?
So this "early upgrade" is at most 6 weeks early (based on Droid X launch day). If your contract expires 12/31/2010 then you would be eligible for a NE2 upgrade on 8/31/2010 without the promotion. That would be roughly 6 weeks from Droid X launch day to when you were supposed to be eligible. I can't imagine that this promotion will help very many people.
How many people read the press release and are going to head off to a VZW store to pickup the Droid X on July 15 (and possibly wait in line for that privilege) only to find out they either need to cough up $600 or wait until their NE2 eligibility kicks in.
Sounds like a carefully worded PR stunt.
And yes I'm bitter because my upgrade date is 10/15/2010 but my contract date is 2/15/2011. If VZW wants to beat the guys out of Cupertino then they should open this up to more people.
So this "early upgrade" is at most 6 weeks early (based on Droid X launch day). If your contract expires 12/31/2010 then you would be eligible for a NE2 upgrade on 8/31/2010 without the promotion. That would be roughly 6 weeks from Droid X launch day to when you were supposed to be eligible. I can't imagine that this promotion will help very many people.
How many people read the press release and are going to head off to a VZW store to pickup the Droid X on July 15 (and possibly wait in line for that privilege) only to find out they either need to cough up $600 or wait until their NE2 eligibility kicks in.
Sounds like a carefully worded PR stunt.
And yes I'm bitter because my upgrade date is 10/15/2010 but my contract date is 2/15/2011. If VZW wants to beat the guys out of Cupertino then they should open this up to more people.
NE2s aren't eligible for the early upgrade
So this "early upgrade" is at most 6 weeks early (based on Droid X launch day). If your contract expires 12/31/2010 then you would be eligible for a NE2 upgrade on 8/31/2010 without the promotion. That would be roughly 6 weeks from Droid X launch day to when you were supposed to be eligible. I can't imagine that this promotion will help very many people.
How many people read the press release and are going to head off to a VZW store to pickup the Droid X on July 15 (and possibly wait in line for that privilege) only to find out they either need to cough up $600 or wait until their NE2 eligibility kicks in.
Sounds like a carefully worded PR stunt.
And yes I'm bitter because my upgrade date is 10/15/2010 but my contract date is 2/15/2011. If VZW wants to beat the guys out of Cupertino then they should open this up to more people.
NE2s aren't eligible for the early upgrade
If you have past your NE2 date you do not need to use the promotion since you are eligible no matter what.
The point that I'm trying to make is that the earliest that anyone would be able to pick up a Droid X would be 6 weeks early. If someone's contact was due to expire on Nov 15 then their NE2 would be in effect on July 15 and they would not need to use the early upgrade promotion. The only people that would get any benefit out the promotion are those with contracts (not upgrade dates) expiring Nov 16 to Dec 31.
If I'm mistaken on any of this please let me know.