Verizon 4G question


Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Sioux Falls
Does Verizon slow down your data if u use too much? And why?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
How much data are you using?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Ha... like 10 MB a month.. a lot I'm told

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I have heard a rumor to that effect but never known it to be true. I have a friend at 70gig and they have never throttled him. I am at 6gig avg and never had an issue.. I am interested to see what responses you may get here.

Sent from my Nexus using DroidForums
Ha... like 10 MB a month.. a lot I'm told

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Lol 10MB = a lot...what does my 50GB = then?

Snap... I meant GB. Ha. I'm very techy

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Ha... like 10 MB a month.. a lot I'm told

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Uh....not really much at all. I probably use more than that in an hour. Are you on an unlimited data plan?

Verizon officially takes the stance that they can limit speeds on high data users, but also state they will only do so if the user is gobbling bandwidth from other users. So supposedly you could be at 100gb and they wouldn't throttle you if there was no one else on that particular tower.

Personally, I use a LOT. I use it as a tether when I am living in Tucson and watch a lot of Netflix. We can have the argument that I am abusing my data, but if I wasn't tethering I'd be watching it on my phone plugged in to my TV, so it's really just an easier way to do the same thing. Typically I am at about 40gb per month, and have NEVER noticed any throttling. So either they don't enforce it or no one else uses 4g in my area. We'll see what happens as time goes on.

Edit: ok, 10gb/month is much more respectable. At 10mb/month you are barely using your phone.

But based on some responses here, don't think you'd get throttled. Heck, not sure I'd get throttled seeing what those above me have posted. :icon_ lala:
I am on unlimited.... just seems a bit laggy lately... maybe its just me then I'm guessing

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
If you're in the top 5% of your cell area, you will be throttled. So I could use 30GB and not be throttled and you could use 10GB and be throttled if you happen to fall in the top 5%.

The top 5% obviously fluctuates depending on what people in that area use.
If you're in the top 5% of your cell area, you will be throttled. So I could use 30GB and not be throttled and you could use 10GB and be throttled if you happen to fall in the top 5%.

The top 5% obviously fluctuates depending on what people in that area use.

I still think their official statement says only if it is affecting other users. So you could be at 100gb streaming Netflix but if the bandwidth isn't maxed out by you and other users on the same network then you would not be throttled. If the bandwidth gets maxed out then the top 5% would be the first to be throttled.

And I do think this is the case. Where I'm at in Tucson I doubt there are very many 4g users, so I also doubt the bandwidth ever gets anywhere near max, and this is why I've never been throttled. Like I sad, give it time for more adoption and the bandwidth getting more bogged down and this will probably change. Until then, I blaze away.
I still think their official statement says only if it is affecting other users. So you could be at 100gb streaming Netflix but if the bandwidth isn't maxed out by you and other users on the same network then you would not be throttled. If the bandwidth gets maxed out then the top 5% would be the first to be throttled.

And I do think this is the case. Where I'm at in Tucson I doubt there are very many 4g users, so I also doubt the bandwidth ever gets anywhere near max, and this is why I've never been throttled. Like I sad, give it time for more adoption and the bandwidth getting more bogged down and this will probably change. Until then, I blaze away.

Their official statement also said it wouldn't affect 4G users either =P So we'll see once there's more transparency in their management of data.
Their official statement also said it wouldn't affect 4G users either =P So we'll see once there's more transparency in their management of data.

Really? I hadn't heard that. Seems odd though as they know 4g users are going to use more data and bandwidth. In fact they dumped their unlimited data JUST BEFORE activating their 4g network.

But I'll assume you are correct as that means they won't be throttling me for now. :icon_ lala: