Verizon 4G question

They haven't slowed me down and I think that coming from a 3g phone to a 4g and having the 4g throttled would still make it faster than 3g so I don't care.
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I didn't realize it only applied to 3g users, so thanks for the definitive proof. And I was correct that it only applies on a congested cell site, which hopefully, if they do ever throttle 4g, they keep this policy. It also makes the most sense - why throttle someone if the cell site is not overloaded no matter how much they use? And I would hope that, as the cell sites start getting congested, that that becomes incentive to add resources to that location. So the "optimization" may only last a few months.
I didn't realize it only applied to 3g users, so thanks for the definitive proof. And I was correct that it only applies on a congested cell site, which hopefully, if they do ever throttle 4g, they keep this policy. It also makes the most sense - why throttle someone if the cell site is not overloaded no matter how much they use? And I would hope that, as the cell sites start getting congested, that that becomes incentive to add resources to that location. So the "optimization" may only last a few months.

Think you missed my point. 4G users have reported they also have been throttled, despite Verizon saying "officially" that they wouldn't be. We won't know what's really going on until they're a bit more transparent with their data management.
It's also on Verizon's website: Network Optimization

sounds like a challenge to goal for this month is 500 GB data on 3g, i'll just stream pandora 24/7 all month lol, not really though, however its still nearly impossible to tell if you're being throttled on 3g anyway because there will always be times when its faster or slower than others, so unless you get an official text from vzw, how would you know???
sounds like a challenge to goal for this month is 500 GB data on 3g, i'll just stream pandora 24/7 all month lol, not really though, however its still nearly impossible to tell if you're being throttled on 3g anyway because there will always be times when its faster or slower than others, so unless you get an official text from vzw, how would you know???

You'll know because your signal will show 1x. That's what most people have reported seeing when they get throttled.
You'll know because your signal will show 1x. That's what most people have reported seeing when they get throttled.

1x would mean no data at all. That's voice only. That would not be "throttling", it would be denial of service, and would definitely be against everyone's ToS. Like the guy said above, if you are being throttled, you wouldn't necessarily know unless you got an email. My guess is those that are seeing 1x are having reception issues.
1x would mean no data at all. That's voice only. That would not be "throttling", it would be denial of service, and would definitely be against everyone's ToS. Like the guy said above, if you are being throttled, you wouldn't necessarily know unless you got an email. My guess is those that are seeing 1x are having reception issues.

well 1x is still data but if thats how they throttle then its just wayy too much 1x is usually like .1-.3 mbps wheras 3g is 1-2.5 mbps

edit, actually its worse than i thought...

The 1X standard supports packet data speeds of up to 153 kbit/s with real world data transmission averaging 60–100 kbit/s in most commercial applications.
Just google it, trust me you'll know when you're throttled. One guy had nearly 30 days of 1x after he did an experiment of 60GB's I believe.
The top 5% of data users use 90% of the bandwidth. I am the bottom 95%. Occupy Verizon.
Just kidding. When I got my contract it came with a flyer stating that as of last Feb it may throttle the top 5% of data users. I got my contract last June, with a 4g unlimited data plan

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Just google it, trust me you'll know when you're throttled. One guy had nearly 30 days of 1x after he did an experiment of 60GB's I believe.
Looks like Verizon performed their own experiment on him. How long does he last without data?:D
I have heard a rumor to that effect but never known it to be true. I have a friend at 70gig and they have never throttled him. I am at 6gig avg and never had an issue.. I am interested to see what responses you may get here.

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Well im at 30g a month. I fig something out tho while i was tring for tooo manny hr to dl the Razr sbf. At 600 mb the phone drops signal then it will pick right back up again. It sucks when ur tring to dl something thats 600 mb :) 5 hr later at an hr a dl grrr

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