For once, it pays to be on the bleeding edge....
Verizon 4G LTE Unlimited Data Customers Will Have Separate $30 Unlimited Tethering Plan - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
When the free tethering trial ends on July 6th, it will be replaced the following day with a $30 UNLIMITED tethering plan. For people getting 4G phones AFTER July 6th, they will only be able to sign up for the $20 2GB tethering plan.
This is what I was waiting to see about. To at least have the unlimited tethering option is great. The 2 GB limit can be passed in a few hours.
so if people actually sign up for unlimited tethering and use it for their home broadband how long before Verizon cries about it? lol
I don't know, but I think we are going to find out soon.
This well be available to anyone grandfathered on unlimited data as well, once they get a 4G phone; not just those getting a 4G phone prior to the 7th.
That's also good for current Verizon 3G customers.
Tethering doesn't work on my tb I use wireless tether I'm still on froyo and my lap top connects but I get no internet access so I gave up.
The built in mobile hotspot works on mine. In 3G territory, it gets rather buggy. But 4G is solid. Also, if the wi-fi hotspot funcion isn't acting right, try using a USB cable to tether your laptop/desktop to it. Watch out if you try that. The last time I did that, the battery didn't charge up (even with the laptop plugged into a wall socket).