i bet this is bull, just like the july 13th date..and the august 6th date..and the august 18th date. because if im correct its august 18th, I have a Moto Droid 2.1 and lemme check...nope no froyo
XKXDISTURBEDXKX, this is not directed at you per se, it's for everyone still wating on FRG01B, so please don't be offended by this. I'm not attacking you or anyone, merely clearing the air a bit.
First off, this thread is about the second update reported to start rolling out to phones
already running FRG01B. If you have not received your first 2.2 update, this is not the thread for you. The first updates were supposed to be finished by 11:59PM today -- that's still just over 12 hours away, so please stop obsessing or install the file manually. The mods and I and several ordinary people who have done it it manually have been posting links for days and the number of problems people installing the update manually have been far lower than the number reported by people getting it pushed onto their phones from Verizon.
If you're worried about damaging your phone by making a mistake, don't. There's no way you could make a mistake and hurt your phone unless something messes up during the install and you panic and do something wrong as a result. These phones are darn near fool-proof on the user's end. So let me reiterate -- the OTA updates have had a significantly higher percentage or borked installs than the manual installs done by average, ordinary, often tech-challenged people. No offense intended to anyone who has done this and succeeded. You guys/gals rock!
Installing the update manually does not void your warranty unless you get a tech/rep who doesn't know any better and you make the mistake of telling them you installed it manually. IT DOES NOT VOID YOUR WARRANTY, people simply think it does. It's Verizon's/Motorola's software and their hardware is installing it. If something happens, it's their fault.
Installing this update does not root your phone, nor is installing it the same as rooting your phone as far as Verizon is concerned. If you take it in for service after installing the update the software will read exactly the same as if you'd received the OTA file. That's because it will be exactly the same. Either continue to wait (in which case this is your choice, and we fully support it) and see if you get lucky or end up driving to a VZW store to get the update installed manually in two weeks because the update never got pushed onto your phone due to a computer glitch or install the file manually and wonder why you waited this long to get some FroYo goodness.
By the way, OTA or manual install, if the install DOES go south DO NOT PANIC! Remember, 42 is the Answer, and never forget your towel! The Rescue Squad is here to help, and there are a lot of ways to fix your phone. I, for one, would be happy to help if something happens. Also, if you use the smaller file or the OTA drops on your phone and you notice lag and stability issues after the first hour following the install, you'll need to use the larger file available for your update needs. It'll smooth you right out.
If I manually update to 2.2 will I still get it from Verizon? What do I do if this happens?
If you install one of the updates linked to in the thread already you will be running the most current official build of the Android operating system -- FRG01B. If you get an update notice after that you will be receiving the second update. Allow it to install and hope it doesn't screw up.