If the next iPhone/iPad comes out with 3G only and Verizon allows it...it's time to get the FCC involved. That's blatantly wrong treatment and favoritism that should not be tolerated. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Force Apple to play or drop future devices. Send a message. I'm sure they're a cash cow, but they're also a headache to activate and you can't bloat them out, so tell them to kick rocks. Especially if Microsoft gets on the ball with an LTE device (which is what I'm waiting on myself).
Force Apple to play or drop future devices. Send a message. I'm sure they're a cash cow, but they're also a headache to activate and you can't bloat them out, so tell them to kick rocks. Especially if Microsoft gets on the ball with an LTE device (which is what I'm waiting on myself).