I was under the impression that if you are close to the 2 year mark of having your phone..or even 3-4 months prior they let you upgrade for the ADVERTISED price. When the price of someone signing up for a new account is $199 then you will pay 199.
Yes, as I noted in my previous post, it's 4 months prior to the 2-year date. There is supposed to be a $20 "early" upgrade fee, but this is most often waived, or maybe only charged to certain plans, etc.
On my line Verizon said that I could upgrade on November 20th (doesn't matter because I upgraded using another line) at the price of 299...the 1 year price (Due to me just last year using my line to purchase someone a gift with the 2 year/new line price.) If you go to Verizon's store online all the details are there.
I don't understand how people got Droid's for $99.
The 2-year contract price is $199. Those that are due for the their NE2 receive another $100 discount. Hence, a Droid for $99...:motdroidvert: