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Verizon Galaxy Nexus Makes Its Debut Video Appearance in the Wild!


If I know verizon they are def trying to get people to buy the crappier motorola phones like d3, charge, thunderbolt and razor. Before they release this quality phone and the sales for d3, charge, thunder all go down.
Its a marketing ploy to get people to buy the bloated phones like the razr and the rezound. their giving phones that they've been able to add stuff too more time and making the Nexus wait so we just give in and buy a verizon bloated razr

I disagree. They know people are waiting on nexus....so holding off on it will actually hurt sales of Razr and rezound. Who's gonna buy them besides the impatient folks who Have to have something this week. Might I add the slew of returns they will get once the gnex comes out. I question the intelligence of Verizon corporate management team if that is their plan.....its a pretty stupid one. Razr is not worth 349 . And nobody can actually be buying it at that price. HTC......maaaaybe some are forking over. I sure as hell wont. NO HTC phone is worth 350 to me. I dont care if it has a 12 inch woofer or a battery with 650 cranking amps. My klipsch s4a sound better than Dr Dres overpriced garbage

I know nobody would do this but it would be awesome if they released before 10th and nobody bought one till new years. All those returned Razr and rezound ....and not gft the gnex till jan. Screw up their whole last quarter earnings and drop price of their shares. Mess with us again. Lol. Nobody will do that though cause vzw gottem by day ballz.

Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt using DroidForums
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If that is now considered lag....I dont know what to say....lol. All I know is even tho I have a working Droid 1 and Droid X1 as back ups....they both might get replaced with more current phones. That says alot about these current phones.

It's the same phenomenon that happens with alot of the new phones out these days. They all have fancy transition effects, and people are confusing transitions with lag.
It's the same phenomenon that happens with alot of the new phones out these days. They all have fancy transition effects, and people are confusing transitions with lag.

You mean we are noticing laggy transition animations.

Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt using DroidForums
Once again, the "hype" and knowledge of the Nexus is mostly limited to tech boards and tech fanboys. There are not huge numbers of people delaying upgrades waiting on this phone. It isn't going to "crush" the RAZR or Rezound or any other phone at VZW because to most people walking in the door it will be just another high-end phone with comparable specs. Truth be told, the 32gigs of storage might turn people off, because it's one of a few specs people understand and compare (right or wrong, $300 for 32gigs loses vs. $300 for 48gigs). I also think Moto is a much bigger brand name in the states for people off the street and for people who actually still use their phone to, you know, make calls.

That said, there may be something to VZW's holiday return window. While many people are oblivious to the pending release of the Nexus, when people start seeing it in the wild, with its ICS goodness, more than a few might contemplate returns. That's a number that is perhaps not insignificant, and a release later in December will help minimize that.
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