Let's couple today's news with yesterday's news...
Verizon CEO hints iPhone not coming soon - Yahoo! News
Well, he said a few months ago tiered pricing wasn't coming any time soon, and I would say 4-6 months from now doesn't invalidate that thinking.
So, along those same lines, "not coming soon" on the IPhone doesn't mean they won't have an IPhone in 6 months. But there's also a tricky marketing aspect to that where you probably don't want to say the IPhone is coming in 3 months because people wait for that and you lose revenues.
I still maintain Apple needs VZW a lot more than VZW needs Apple. And if VZW truly is starting to seem some capacity constraints (perhaps in select markets, but I don't really buy it I think it's just a profitability decision that demand shows an opportunity to raise pricing) then they have little incentive to bring Apple on board and be forced to deal with Jobs.