I did read a few weeks ago in VZW's terms of service something to the effect that unlimited plans weren't covered. I wondered at the time why the distinction...Now I know.
I see this clause I read as...Either there is a clause in the ruling/fine (probably volumes of paper) not covered in the FCC press release...Or Verizon's attempt to strong arm the last of the people who have unlimited plans in light of their impending fine/ruling they knew was coming. The way the press release reads, it seems they would be setting themselves up for another fine unless it is in fact covered in the fine print of the ruling.
Of course, VZW could change their throttling policy to start at say 2GB:biggrin:, and make the throttling so restrictive it it would virtually put us on a limited plan although they still call it unlimited...just a thought
Here's the VZW clause I was referring to under "Terms and Conditions", "Customer Agreement and Important Information":
You may use Mobile Hotspot or any other Wi-Fi hotspot or tethering service to use your smartphone or basic phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot or to tether it to your computer or tablet. If you subscribe to a data plan or package with an unlimited data allowance, there is an additional $20/month fee to do so.
I am currently paying:
$65 for my plan (450 land line minutes/unlimited mobile to mobile/unl texts)
$30 for unlimited data
$95total before discounts, fees and taxes.
Add $20 for tethering if I choose to tether:biggrin: and that becomes:
Under shared plans, this is what I would get:
$40 for one device(unlimited calling and texts)
$50 = 1GB data
$60 = 2GB
$70 = 4GB
$80 = 6GB
$90 = 8GB
So, under shared plans, for $5 dollars more I would be limited to 2GB($95 current vs $100). If I were to pay tethering, 5 dollars more would limit me to 6GB($115 vs $120)
I have never used over 2GB of data as I don't watch TV, stream music, etc...to my phone. It seems my break-even point is if I were to be using over 6GB a month, then it would be prudent to pay the $20 tethering fee and legally use all the data I want(until I'm throttled).
The decision is for each to make, just presenting the facts as they currently stand.