Thank you , Trusstopher . That is a better understanding.
I must say, any campnay that offers these phones with data paackage, and the smart phones that our getting to be high tech, They as company;s should of thsought baout that extra charge upfront. Not after the fact.
for example, they sell a smart phone, that requires a data app. Along with the selling approach you can hook up to your computer, you can down load and tranfer information.. ect.. That's company up front not telling the full story..
I see that many times with verizion, ( But still loayl tol them) plus I hear that about other cel company's as well.. Grant, I have not personelly download anything from my phone to the computer, nor the other way around. I know that my husabnd just gt a droid three, that offers a print option on his phone. Why have a smart phone, if, cell companys wantto cahrge for everthing you do on the phone. Especialy, since the phones come with these applications. And you pay alot for unlimited data that Verizion doesn;t have anymore. Thank god I am grandfathered in. But my husband is not. I jsut convienced him in getting one. So, I pay an amont for him to have his. And most of the people downloading infromation from phone to computer, are majortiy people that travel for work. That is waht I been hearing. I love my smart phone, bit I do not think they should charge more, becasue, they see more people using the tools that they can on there phone. keep in mind internet on home computer on phone our the same. the only differance is, you can drag you desk top every where you go. But you smart phone you can ..