Unfortunately, the majority of the Verizon people around here ARE twits.
One guy I thought was really great at customer service turned around & tried screwing me over. I was in the store, looking around & I remember he was very helpful when my wife's Gleam was acting up. So we got to talking, & I told him I was planning on ordering a Samsung Rogue for her online, because they offered the instant $100 as opposed to the mail in one the stores offer. He told me he would do the same for me, but he would have to order the phone. I verified that it would NOT be a mail in rebate & he said "Yes, I'll match the online deal, I don't care.".
My wife & I went into the store the next day to give him her info to order the phone (which would be there the following day on Friday), & she asked him the same question, to which he answered the same. I felt this is great! This is how customer service should be.
Then I go to pick up the phone on my lunch break & he tries charging me $85 for the phone, to which we agreed with my NE2 & the INSTANT rebate, would be free. He then tells me "Oh, you must not have understood me, it's still a mail in rebate.". I was furious & left the store, then ordered it online. Well, they offer free overnight shipping, so IF I would have just ordered it on the Wednesday when this all started, she would have had her phone on Thursday. Well, here it is, Friday afternoon, so she had to wait until Monday to get it.
I know these people are there to make money & this is their job, but that doesn't mean you have to be a DB about the way you treat your customers. I'd think if you are good to them, they'd come back & get you more business then just thhe one time screw.
/rant off