First of all, everyone on this earth is human, everyone on earth makes mistakes, everyone has to deal with others mistakes. It's a fact of life. Although I couldn't follow this very well, it sounds like a line was to be canceled out but it wasn't. After a cooler head prevails, you need to work with the representative you talk to POLITELY and you can get the issue resolved.To make a long story short,I had been charged for a deactivation fee from csr mistake which they issued me a line that was not usable. They had to give me another line 20 min. While activation was going through and gave me a second line and first were charging me 300.00 then 175.00 for their error. Two weeks later i'm still trying to get this resolved after twice being told it had been taken care of. I Was a pretty good Verizon chromed 5+ years until this time I spent over 4 hours. On phone 4 different days trying to get fixed with no resolution as of yet. I hear this one made a mistake, this one fixed it,no there is something wrong here. All over their mistake in first place.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
As for $25 activation fees and early termination fees, those are all part of the contract, and VZW is not the only carrier with them.