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I use very little data maybe 500 mb a month but I just ordered my upgrade to a droid razr so I may use more data overall. my droid 1 freezes a lot and i hate using it
I'm all for this. It's only my wife on her BB (soon to be replaced with an Android for her next upgrade) and me. However she's on it very little, usually for work, and both of us have wifi at home and work and that's what we use. The last three months I've used an avg of 25.6 MB and my wife used an avg of 5.95 MB. So a 2 GB family plan would be plenty for us as long as it's less than $60. That would save me some money.
I have unlimited and the wife has a feature phone. I'd rather get her a 2gb plan than leave my unlimited since I get a discount on it. Since I've had Google music, I use more than 2gb alone, even with WiFi at home and work.
Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.
Two lines on my plan have combined for <20 MB mobile data/month for the last 6 months. They're always on wi-fi and only get online to check the scores quickly or to google something. I use about 1.5 GB/month though (almost always on wi-fi).
I would take the savings if I were you, but I doubt that Verizon will allow what you want. I don't think that they will allow 1 line on the family plan to be unlimited and the other ones to be on a separate family share data plan. I think they would make you have a completely separate plan and the rest of the family have another separate plan. Just as they don't have a family phone plan where 1 member of the family has 1400 minutes and the other 3 members get to share 700 minutes.
I agree, then I would gladly branch off the family plan and have my own individual line. I think even then I'd still save some money, but I'd have to look at the many plans. We'll just have to wait and see how their family data plans work.
I agree, then I would gladly branch off the family plan and have my own individual line. I think even then I'd still save some money, but I'd have to look at the many plans. We'll just have to wait and see how their family data plans work.
I've heard of people leaving family plans and keeping their unlimited data, they just had to get a different minute plan. I also asked Verizon last year about if I were to leave the family plan would I keep my unlimited and they said yes I would be able to keep my unlimited that way. However things changed and that wasn't able to happen.
Those numbers are straight out of my account on the VZ website. I almost never use my 3G. For me wifi is so much faster then 3G. That and 3G is spotty where I live. If you go a few miles down the road then 3G is good.