The actual value of a Rezound is much less than $450. The cost to manufacture it is very likely in the $200 range, as is the case with similar high end smartphones (like the iPhone 4S). It's funny how we *think* we're getting a deal when we qualify for an "upgrade discount" but we are in fact paying the full cost of the phone. We get really worked over when we pay the "full retail" price, which includes a MASSIVE markup.
Still, $50 for a $200 phone is a good deal... but it's not the same as getting something truly worth $450 for that little. If a smartphone like the Rezound were really worth that kind of money, there's no way Amazon could afford to sell the Kindle Fire for $200, for example.
Verizon is nickel and diming customers for another $30... money that just goes straigt to their bottom line. It sucks, but all the other carriers do it, too.![]()
*gasp*!!! how DARE you bring logic and reason to this thread?!!!!