New Member
A couple of weeks ago, I receied a letter from AT&T that they are capping my HSI at home!! :icon_evil:
I just can't see myself consuming a ton of data on a tiny smartphone screen. If I watch netflix, it will be on a tablet or laptop (or bigger). Probably why tablet/laptop/datacard plans have been capped at 5 or 10 gigs from the get-go.
Now, because of that constraint, they were able to offer unlimited data on smartphones. But the reality is tethering provides a work around that natural constraint, so here we are. And the irony is that, for the most part, people who are complaining are the ones who brought us to this point with excessive tethering!
I welcome a 2-5GB cap as $30 for the 1/4GB I use a month is highway robbery and don't see myself ever using anymore then 2-5 (and haven't even come close to that yet). However, I agree with what people are saying when they're introducing services like Netflix/Hulu which by nature are going to use tons of data only to cap you and charge overages haha. Wifi FTW, I guess....
I welcome a 2-5GB cap as $30 for the 1/4GB I use a month is highway robbery and don't see myself ever using anymore then 2-5 (and haven't even come close to that yet). However, I agree with what people are saying when they're introducing services like Netflix/Hulu which by nature are going to use tons of data only to cap you and charge overages haha. Wifi FTW, I guess....
I agree, however 5 gigs is still a boatload of data. I believe a 90 minute movie compressed for a smartphone is only 150 megs. Hi-def Pandora will burn about 60 megs an hour.
So......4 gigs would be about an hour of Pandora a day and half a dozen movies a month. It's hard for me to imagine people needing more than 5 gigs. I suppose video calling might run 200megs an hour.
Oddly enough, my biggest usage culprit is downloading all my apps after flashing a new rom (when I'm not on wifi and don't use titanium). Rom + apps could hit 200 megs.
The vast majority of people going over 5gigs a month are tethering and/or downloading mostly illegal torrents. If you're VZW, that <5% of users are people you either want to charge more or you don't care if they leave, because they "cost" you money.
While we're on the subject, I saw a blurb where VZW was going to start selling video monitoring services to businesses over LTE. So what this all really boils down to is not bending over customers but guaranteeing bandwidth be available to sell to these businesses. Again, probably like 98% of users consume less than 5gigs. If you have wifi at home, I don't know how you could possibly use more than 5gigs (unless you're on your phone at work instead of, you know, working... in which case you might soon be spending a lot more time at home).
Yeah you're right. I don't anticipate ever using that much especially since I'm on wifi 99% of the time, but as far as a low tier I think 2 to 5 is more then enough for any user
AT&T Data Calculator
Data gets used up quicker than I think some people realize
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Nicola Palmer, Verizon Wireless VP of Network Operations recently indicated that Verizon's implementation of their LTE network is going with fewer speed bumps than expected. Here's her exact quote,"Frankly I expected some speed bumps. The surprise here to me is the speed bumps were very few and far between and they didn’t do any damage to the undercarriage."
Sadly, we get one good quote form one Verizon exec, and another "not-so-cool" quote from a different exec. Nicola Palmer is yet another senior official at Verizon who said that unlimited data will not last forever, and that Verizon will move to tiered pricing. Here's his quote,Although we already reported in the past that Verizon would eventually eliminate their unlimited data plans and move to tiered plans, it's not great hearing it reinforced again. I suppose this is a "good news, bad news" story."Unlimited billing on data is simply unsustainable for the industry."
Source: PhoneArena