LOL... you guys are fast...
I was just about to post my own video of PicSay showing the absurdity of "no multitouch on the droid" when I found this thread... Ah well, didn't waste all that much time shooting it...
BTW: from a programming standpoint, the "zoom" effect on screen (which you KNOW you can get with a double tap?) is CPU intensive, but "detecting" two points for multitouch is a) handled in hardware and b) can't take more than a couple clock cycles to process. Claims that the Droid doesn't have enough horsepower for MT doesn't make ANY darn sense -- it's like saying you're not grapefruit enough to score a touchdown in golf.
I'm glad more people are slowly understanding the difference between hardware being able to "feel" two fingers and software actually choosing to do something with it once it gets TWO (or more) points...
One amusing effect on non-MT touchscreens was that they picked the strongest X/Y single point, even if those were't actually pressed by the same finger... If you pressed carefully at about the same pressure with two fingers at a diagonal, you could make the cursor register the perpendicular vertex as the chosen single point when one axis was just a little more sensitive than the other. If that explanation didn't make sense, you can tell if MT is supported in hardware by pushing upper-left and lower right, and seeing if the cursor sometimes "sees" a single point in one of the other corners (taking the X from one finger and the Y from the other). Droid and IPhone screens don't ever do that, because the hardware isn't fooled and reports it to the app layer correctly as two points, which the app then may ignore the second of or use it.
OK, back to answering other absurdities everyone else already has... LOL...