Video size limit?


Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone know what the video size limit is for emailing out with this phone? My OG Droid seemed to let me send out longer videos but I guess that was because quality was lower.

Is there anyway to lower video recording quality so you can email short clips? Or some sort of service that allows private sharing?
I was wondering about this with texting too.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I would just share a Dropbox account with your friend. Makes life a whole lot easier.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Your so right. Just comes to be a slight problem when I'm dealing with my non tech savvy friends.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
[h=1]This is from Verizon's website.
Email and Web for PDAs/Smartphones
Is there a size limit to the attachments I can send, forward, and receive via Email and Web for Smartphone?Yes, the following are the size limits for sending, forwarding and receiving attachments:

Sending Attachments 4 MB
Receving Attachments 4 MB
Forwarding Attachments 2 MB

I also like Dropbox but for my tech challenged friends, I upload it to YouTube or Picasa and just send them a link.
I'm able to send much bigger files than that... anybody else?