virtual landscape keyboard?


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Whats up, New to the site. I have a BB storm and really want a Droid. I have become very accustom to the features of the storm. Is there a virtual landscape keyboard as well as the real one? How about typing more than 1 page of a 160 characters?
Whats up, New to the site. I have a BB storm and really want a Droid. I have become very accustom to the features of the storm. Is there a virtual landscape keyboard as well as the real one? How about typing more than 1 page of a 160 characters?

Yes, there is a virtual landscape keyboard and yes, you can type more than one page. If there's a limit on the number of characters, I've not yet hit it.
I have become very accustom to the features of the storm. Is there a virtual landscape keyboard as well as the real one?


Not sure on texting....If I need a text that long, I just call the person or use email.
For SMS greater than 160 load an app like Handcent SMS which can be configured to send multiple SMS messages when the 160 Verizon limit on SMS messages is reached.