I too had a problem with the voice activated dialing (VAD) on my Droid.
When I purchased the device, my contacts were transferred from a Blackberry Tour at a Verizon store. VAD worked perfectly. I later experienced a problem with the microphone and and Motorola had me do a factory reset, backup my contacts to my SD card, and my (Firmware was 2.0.1) - that's when I lost my VAD - and the search would only return "Google" results, which included Contacts stored in the phone. (The odd thing is that new contacts added after the factory reset would VAD)
After spending time on the phone with Verizon and Motorola, they recommended I wait until Frimware 2.1 Ver 1. Got new firmware yesterday (4/4/10) and it did not solve the problem. I noticed however online in my Google account (website) my contacts were duplicating 2 and 3 times (not sure why - but I suspect that when Motorola had me complete the reset and import my contacts from the card - Google did not recognize them as duplicates) - The contacts did not appear to be duplicated on the phone itself.
After cleaning up my contacts on the Google website to only a single instance of each contact, I re-synced the phone with Google contacts and it is finally back to normal and VAD is working.
The reason it was not executing the dial was that I essentially had multiple instances of the same contact - and the phone wanted instruction on which to dial. Hint - I also noticed contacts with multiple numbers listed as the same number type (Home, Work, Cell) will not execute a VAD. So, in short, make sure that you only have a single instance of a contact on Google Contacts and the phone - and avoide importing contacts from the SD card too. Also make sure that Contacts are "checked" under Setteings, Search options. Good Luck.