Meh, who cares. Most of those votes are probably not Pre owners anyway.
Agreed. These little website competitions are getting weak. Who really cares. If winning a battle on a website makes a difference then drop the Droid. Just weak to get involved with this. Maybe the reason the Palm is winning is because they dont want to spend time with their phone and just hang out and vote. I say we end this stupid "you must vote" BS and get on knowing we have the best phone. Why worry about it when we know we have it?
Really....why the hell does this vote matter? The battle is won in sales and overall user base experience. It will not happen with a single vote and even if the Droid wins here, someone else will start another. I say quit trying to defend, but rather enjoy knowing you have the best.
Defending has always been for those still thinking they are inferior. Get over it Droid owners!!!