Thank you, it seems that most people don't get the difference between,
ionizing radiation from radioactive materials and non-ionizing from radio broadcast.
Thankyou Johnny, lets all put down our tinfoil chapeaus.
Or lead-lined undies, as others seem to think they might need... :huh:
yep...... harmless..... unless your stepping in front (or even anywhere near) a 35,000 watt. radio broadcast antenna...
They have to turn em' down, if we're even working within 100ft of em'..
back on topic...... carriers (VZW, ATT, T-MOBILE, etc.) pay building owners to utilize penthouse walls and such on rooftops of their buildings. They are not towers on top of the roof but antenna's and equipment.... as far as contracting to be the only carrier on a roof..... that's all between the building owner and the first carrier, oh and of course the money exchange..
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