if you have renters or home owners insurance, do yourself a favor and check out what they can do for you regarding cell phone insurance.
I have state farm, and i pay $30/year ($2.50/month) for coverage on my droid (and my laptop, and dslr camera). and it will replace without a deductible, damage, loss, theft, pretty much anything short of nuclear war.
Downside, I get a check in several days to a couple weeks instead of a replacement phone. Upside, since im getting a check, I can just go to the verizon store the next day and by a brand new (non refurb) phone of whatever is the current latest and greatest phone, and then wait for the check to reimburse my out of pocket expenses. To give you an idea of why that to me is a huge plus. Verizon is supposed to start rolling out 4g next year right? droid isn't 4g compatable, so if something happened to my phone next year, My insurance would basically pay for me to get the Droid II 4Gs or whatever is the best instead of me just getting a refurb droid back.