Welcome to the Droid Forums sir
I can't tell you enough how happy I am with my Droid and Verizon's overall support.
If you can answer a quick question for me:
I have just recently purchased a Droid using my only "upgrade" left. Do you know any possible "loopholes" that can also get my dad a Droid Eris at the 2 year price? He already has a LG Versa and he would like to upgrade to the Droid Eris.
honestly...it depends. is he on your family plan? if so, did you use YOUR upgrade, or his? you can get what is called an "alternate upgrade" (that is using an upgrade date that is available for one of your "secondary lines", insted of yours)
for example, if you started your contract with 3 lines on jan 1st, 09, each line is eligable for an "annual up" on jan 1st, 2010. now if you used your upgrade (example), and then..2 months later...want another upgrade, if your 2ndary lines havent used theirs....you can!
...does this make sence?
also, same applies for new every 2 upgrades.