My sister has an VZW iPhone 4 and I have a Droid Pro. We are both on the same family plan.
She is studying Andriod development and would like to have an Andriod device to work with so I offered to let her swap phones with me for a month or so. I would like to keep my phone number so I'd presume this would require activating both phones again. I want to do this online, unless I would do better at a Verizon store.
Here is what I want to check:
1. There should be no charge for doing this
2. There will be no risk to grandfathered unlimited data (both lines are unlimited now).
3. Would this be the best process, would I have to wait between steps or will this work immediately?
For simplicity I'll call the line with the iPhone line 1, Andriod line 2
Step 1: Activate a spare non-smartphone to line 1 (since I presume that line 2 cannot be activated with line 1's number unless it is clear)
Step 2: Activate iPhone to line 2
Step 3: Activate Andriod to line 1
then basically repeat this process to swap back.