Want a custom boot animation


Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Don't know if this is the place to ask this but does anyone make custom boot animations? if so I have a pretty neat idea. I also want to ask if you can get the boot animation sound that the droid x has as a ringtone. (the long droid booting sound) if anyone has an idea who to contact please let me know.

Thanks guys!
Don't know if this is the place to ask this but does anyone make custom boot animations? if so I have a pretty neat idea. I also want to ask if you can get the boot animation sound that the droid x has as a ringtone. (the long droid booting sound) if anyone has an idea who to contact please let me know.

Thanks guys!

I believe there is a thread about this in the hacks section.

Check out WJD Designs

I'm using one of that website called Liquid Andy, check it out below:

[video=youtube;0jam4hIinJQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jam4hIinJQ]YouTube - Liquid Andy Boot Animation by Chris of WJD Designs[/video]
+1 to WJD DESIGNS. The guy is so nice and will work with you til your idea is exactly what you want. I had him do a custom cubs logo one for me and I couldn't be happier!

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Alright cool ill check him out. Thanks guys!

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Ckmate will make you a custom one out of any picture you want. Even if you want a picture of your face!!

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