ok so you would know if you had a nandroid of stock because you would have had to do that, normally you do this as soon as you root, think of it as a failsafe. if you diddnt do that then sbfing it is let me know about the back up and ill link you to the sbf, honestly idk if i did it right, BUT i got my hands on a system only of 2.3.2 and used CW to flash it, it worked fine whether or not that will work for an update i have no clue, anybody else is welcome to chime in and call out my mistake if what i did was indeed a mistake,
yeah my friend said me and him made one when we rooted the phone, but he wasnt positive, he also said sbfing would be easier i his opinion. So if you would be so kind to link me to the sbfing ill be glad to give it a shot and if i screw it up im going to my buds house tomorrow so he can fix it haha