Warning: New Spare Parts contains Ads


Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Some/most people probably won't care, however, the developer who publishes the Spare Parts app has decided to add ads to it. Normally, I just deal with the ads since its an easy way for a developer to get money from an app without charging, however, this developer is not responsible for the code behind Spare Parts. He simply took it from the Android repo, added ads and packaged it. I don't think there is any effort in there worth collecting ad revenue from, and I hope some of you agree with me. I'm going to go into the Android repo tonight and try to find the generic source for the Spare Parts app for 2.1/2.0.1 and publish an ad free version of the latest.
So you want to deny somebody a chance to make a few bucks?
It's Google's code, not his, I agree. I never looked at the license, but I would assume it's against the terms...
Oh lol so that's what the comments were about haha. I was wondering "whom" he stole the code from.

I personally don't care about the ads since I never click them anyway, my eyes have developed it's own form of ad sense where I just ignore the little patches of ads. I'm not really opening it up too often either. If you make an ad free one I wouldn't mind switching lol i guess.
I've got spare parts installed. I've opened it once to set my settings and that's it.

This isn't something like a web browse that you'll see every day.