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[WARNING] Replacing your Bionic via Asurion? You're gonna have a baaadd time!

for the past couple of days, my Bionic has been acting up. if i place the phone down too hard on a hard surface (i.e. table, or cupholder in my car) the phone reboots on its own. it's a launch day Bionic that has seen its share of issues (data drops, sluggishness , etc), but this was the last straw.

i have insurance on it and called the # to try to file a claim. i was under the impression that the whole point of paying the monthly insurance + the deductible was to guard against any sort of damage to the phone. the rep said that i could send it in and get a refurb, but if they examine the phone and see that there are any cracks or other damage, that i would have to pay full price for the phone (!!??)

doesn't that defeat the purpose of insurance? is this something new they've been doing? i coulda sworn i got an older smartphone wet, and insurance replaced it after paying the deductible. otherwise, i've just been throwing my money away this whole time

If you have the extended warranty or the total equipment coverage( that includes an extended warranty) , it is a warranty issue with verizon, not asurian. if the phone is not substantially damaged, (broken screen or got wet) I would think you can just call 611 and just say your phone does not work, and they should send you another one. alternatively, you should be able to go to a company store, and have them look at it and order a replacement.

insurance is for a damaged phone or loss of phone, not for an undamaged phone that stopped working.
Guardlights offers the correct perspective. You have (or could have had) the exact coverage you need with zero deductible through warranty and/or TEC which have nothing to do with asurion.
The warranty and/or insurance (whatever you have) is in writing... what does it say?
Asurion is pretty clear. They do not cover cosmetic damage. They cover it if it doesn't function. Slow or sluggish isn't likely to qualify. If it reboots when you bump it, that would qualify. Doesn't matter how it got that way.
Well there is some solace for droid Bionic owners with Asurion insurance, I "lost" my bionic with extended battery(broke screen so I pulled battery). when I was asked what I lost I told them the phone and extended battery. They offered me a razr I told them it would not do. since i had the extended battery and still had to charge the phone during the day.(not true battery was great) I asked to speak to a supervisor, after 45 mins of arguing they sent me a Razr MAXX new home charger,car charger,headphones and 3 pack of screen protectors.

I do however miss the Bionic at least it felt like a real phone the MAXX is too light and has a tendency to "slip" out of your hand.

good luck,

Well there is some solace for droid Bionic owners with Asurion insurance, I "lost" my bionic with extended battery(broke screen so I pulled battery). when I was asked what I lost I told them the phone and extended battery. They offered me a razr I told them it would not do. since i had the extended battery and still had to charge the phone during the day.(not true battery was great) I asked to speak to a supervisor, after 45 mins of arguing they sent me a Razr MAXX new home charger,car charger,headphones and 3 pack of screen protectors.

I do however miss the Bionic at least it felt like a real phone the MAXX is too light and has a tendency to "slip" out of your hand.

good luck,


I am on my second phone, I don't talk in it much unless I have a day off, so today I was talking to my friend in which during the length of our conversation our call got dropped 5 times so sadly I waited till hubby got home and used his phone to call tech support once more to tell them that this bionic is doing the same as the last. So they offered me the razr as well and I took it cause I never had an extended battery. Never needed one. Phone lasts me about 15 hours, work is only 8 hrs. Wished I could have gotten the maxx but I have upgrade in Sept. So as of this coming Wednesday I will be saying goodbye to an otherwise great phone, you guys have been very helpful to me and I want to say thanks. I will stop by and let you know how I do with the razr.
Quick note: i broke the screen on my bionic a month or so ago and had to use Asurion. They sent me a new (probably referb) bionic, and it's been great so far. So, at least at that point, they still had some bionics available.

RTFM is Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer
I had to use Asurion with my last phone, an LG enV touch. It looked brand new, but had a sticker in the phone identifying it as an Asuron refurbished phone. As long as it looks and works the same as the phone you're replacing, I guess who cares right? I just wonder where they get the phones. From Motorola, etc, the manufacturer itself, or from other returned/warrantied phones, then just pieced together from various parts until they have a complete phone...
My Bionic suffered a fall and stopped working last Thursday. I made an online claim which was promptly rejected. I called Verizon and the VZW rep conferenced in Asurion. The Asurion rep took my info and I had a new Bionic Friday afternoon.

Phone looks brand new.
Thread bump, anyone replace recently? What is the current offer?

About a month ago I requested a replacement, because my Bionic's headphone jack didn't work. They sent over the warranty replacement, and it was a Bionic. The CSR failed to note my unit number, so UPS couldn't deliver it. I called Asurion about changing the address with UPS so I could have it delivered later that day, but they couldn't, so they offered to send me a new device. The CSR I spoke to that day was very cool, and offered to "upgrade" because of my loyalty/inconvenience. They initially offered the RAZR and Incredible 4G, but I said the RAZR MAXX would be the only comparable device, due to the poor battery life of each, and the multiple batteries I have for my Bionic. The only compromise would have been if they sent the Incredible 4G with an extra battery, but apparently they can't do that, because they are pre-packaged and shipped with a single battery. He called me back later, and said he couldn't get it approved. I told him "hey, you've been beyond awesome today, but do you think I can talk to someone above you about this?" He transferred me to a supervisor, I assume, and she mentioned that the only device they could offer me with more battery was the MAXX, but they couldn't send me replacement batteries for it. I was happy. I explained that this was a perfect solution to my problem, so I had my MAXX the next day.

I love it. More apps downloaded, yet never lags like the Bionic.
Just ordered a replacement BIONIC through Asurion due to frequent lock ups and slow downs. It sounds like it's going to be a BIONIC. I'll find out Tuesday
I'm going on my 3rd replacement from Asurion as of tomorrow.

My original Bionic was dropped and had a cracked screen. I paid my deductible with Asurion and they promptly over-nighted a like new refurbished Bionic.

When setting up the phone I noticed something was off about the screen. There were two spots in the center of the screen about 1cm each and 2 cm appart. One area was a bright spot and the other was a dark spot in the LCD screen. I decided to live with it seeing as how they weren't that noticeable. Two week later and the spots were getting worse and more noticeable. Also, two dead pixels appeared.
I decided to call Asurion and after explaining the ordeal they sent me another Bionic. While setting up this Bionic I noticed an odd shape (rounded rectangle) in the LCD while in settings. It was barely visible but it was there. I changed my phones background to solid white to see if I could see it better and it didn't show up. I tried black as well and nothing. I then tried a light grey color and there it was clear as day. It also appears on blueish colors. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with the LCD but I called Asurion today.
The lady who took my call told me they didn't have any Bionics in stock and offered me a RAZR. I told her that would not work as I use the phone for business and am constantly on it throughout the day and that I have extra batteries along with an external battery charger and multiple accessories I received when i purchased the phone originally. She put me on hold and came back telling me they (magically) had a Bionic and I would be receiving one tomorrow.

I love my Bionic. I was due for an upgrade when my original broke and could have upgraded but I like my phone so much I decided to just stick with it. I don't want a RAZR but would settle for a MAXX if this third replacement has issues. The MAXX goes for at least $200 new on eBay. I'd probably sell it and use the money to get a newer phone.