"I was just recently at a friends house for a Pool/Kegger party, as i walked in to say hi to a girl-friend in the pool...another supposed friend pushed me in with Motorola Droid 1 in my pocket :angry: That was on Saturday night. and immediatly took it apart and put it in a bowl full of rice till morning, and just assumed its MIA for good. Do you guys think since after me reading this thread that it has a possibility to survive. I get off at 5:30 and im gonna rush home to try and resusitate it. Pray for my poor little droid. Honestly its no major deal though since last month at my store(i work for Verizon) we hit our monthly goal, so i got to choose to get a Motorola Droid X for free, we just have to wait to get it in(it has to become available to all customers first). So for now(the past few days i've been using a Motorola Razr....PLEASE GOD I HOPE IT WORKS TONIGHT). LOL "
Wish i had caught your post earlier, i would have recommended, and do to anyone else that reads this in the future, Dont just wait a couple/few days, especially if you are not taking it apart/running alcohol through it/using silica to draw out moisture. I would let it sit a minimum of 1 week if you dont want to take it apart, 2 weeks would be even better, a lot of moisture gets in there, and really has no where to evaporate in a closed case. Anyways best of luck, hope your droid survived. I know, it seems like an eternity, but it could save you $200, and you might be out longer if you fry it. Just remember, if you turn it on too early, there is no going back.