Hey DVDCat, thanks for coming on to the discussion here. In regards to what you stated above, what is depicted in my screen shot, if not a Droid Profile?I downloaded the free version, which device should I choose because it doesn't have the DROID as a device?
is there a device on the free version that is compatible with the DROID?
The iPhone profile will work, as well as some of the Blackberry profiles (Bold/Storm) The BB profiles have a slightly higher resolution, but no Droid profile, sorry.
Thanks for any clarification you can offer.
Also, what is faster to convert, higher or lower bit rate? I did a 1:30 movie today and it took about three hours to convert at 1200/128.
I have 2 apps (at the moment)
DVD Catalyst 3, which has a Free Trial and a Retail version, and then there is DVD Catalyst Free, a different program that rips DVDs just like v3 does, but does not have any configuration options, and only has a couple of common profiles.
The bitrate affects a bit, but the hq/non-hq profile difference is a bigger difference. FOr some reason everyone is using the HQ profile, and no-one actually commented on the quality of the standard one. On a small screen it's not really that much difference, especially on the bitrates that people are using

It might sound weird, but my own video files are not perfect. While I can easily make them perfect, I dont have the patience to wait longer, just to get the perfect file. I rather fit a full season of 24 on my 8GB iPod Touch than to have only 12 episodes at the best quality. Sure, some movies I do at a better quality, just because I think they are worth it, but a few artifacts once in a while on a Schwarsenegger or Van Damme movie from the 80's, I don't care. Its still perfectly watchable.
Just like a post I read in a different thread here, usually it's a spur of the moment decision on what you want to watch. I can rip a movie in about 30-40 minutes to iPod format, so when I wake up, I just start a conversion before I take a shower, and when I get my coffee, I transfer my video over while checking emails.