Unless you have the extended warranty, they will charge you $299 (on your next bill) if they detect any damage.
PSA: Verizon's Warranty Exchange Policy Is About To Get A Lot More Strict Starting Tomorrow
I can see that, but what I can't see is them proving it was me that damaged the phone. I may be thinking too simply but the way I see it once they give me a new device, the old device is no longer my property and becomes Verizon's property and anything that may happen would be on them. Without a way for them to check for water damage before they give me a new phone there's no proof the old phone was damaged when I gave it to them. A million things could happen from Point A (VZW) to Point B (MOTO).
Splash resistant, not submersible!
Lol! That kind of logic may have worked with your mother but don't count on it here. "My phone stopped working so I sent it in, but you guys must have dropped it in the water." That's priceless.
I did read about this product that might help you out. Phone wet? Wet phone in, dry phone out | BHEESTIE Bag®
Except there is no point A (VZW) to Point B (Moto) anymore, you can't do warranty exchanges in the store anymore. You have to call up, and they will ship you a new phone, then you have 5 days to ship the old phone back where it will be inspected to ensure it complies with the no significant damage policy, if they decide it doesn't, you are billed $299.
My bad.. the commercial I saw did say "spill proof" or so I thought...
So he spilled 15000 gallons on it...
posted tomorrow using the space time continuum app on my D1...
So he was standing next to the pool when it (the pool) fell over and the 15,000 gallons spilled on him...LOL!!!
Well a few friends and I had a heck of a night last night. I ended up in a pool with my beloved RAZR in my pocket :icon_eek: when i got out the trooper was still on. The events are foggy after that but I put it in a bag of rice and intend to keep it there for the rest of the day keeping my fingers crossed that it turns back on...
So my question is: Can VZW detect if the phone has been damaged by water if it doesn't fire back up?
Previous phones with removable batteries had that little spot that turns a different color if it has been exposed to water but obviously we don't have that proverbial removable battery; so save sending the phone off to MOTOsuckOROLA for "repair" are they going to know I took it for a swim?
Any input/thoughts would be appreciated!
-sent from a PC because I'm afraid to touch my drowned RAZR :icon_eek:-
Their definitely going to open it up when they receive it and your crazy if you don't think they will. They'll for sure see the watermarks and charge you on your next bill for full retail. I wouldn't try it.
I would definitely tell them to please return my broken phone before I ever paid that bill.
I just exchanged a dinc2 for nonworking camera. I noticed by boy had dropped it so I was worried. I took it to Verizon store and the sales person checked it over and issued the claim... I got replacement and sent the old one back. Now if I get charged for the phone I will be pissed ... yes it was probably my son dropping it that broke it, but that is why I took it to get a physical inspection rather than over the phone.
posted tomorrow using the space time continuum app on my D1...
I can see that, but what I can't see is them proving it was me that damaged the phone. I may be thinking too simply but the way I see it once they give me a new device, the old device is no longer my property and becomes Verizon's property and anything that may happen would be on them. Without a way for them to check for water damage before they give me a new phone there's no proof the old phone was damaged when I gave it to them. A million things could happen from Point A (VZW) to Point B (MOTO).