Weather and News wont aquire my location


Mar 20, 2010
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Hey everyone,
I wasnt sure how to search for this but I cant seem to find an answer so figured id ask...

I did the manual update on my droid to 2.1 but my fiancée waited for the automatic update. We bought our phones at the same time if that makes any difference with 2.0.1.

I was showing her the news and weather widget and how I like havin it on my main screen and she asked me to put it on hers. What i dont understand is when I put it on her screen it automatically found our location but on mine I have to manually enter it. Ever since I did the update the weather has never found my location and has stopped working at times. When I refresh is goes straight to loading while hers says acquiring and then loading. Ive played with all of the settings...which arent many...nothing works.

Is there something im missing or what? For me its kind of a big deal since I work construction and at times I travel an hour or more and since we live in ohio the weather changes every 15 min lol. I guess it isnt super important but i dont see any point in buying a different app when this one works great except this one minor inconvienence.

Thanks everybody!!
1. click on the weather icon to launch forecast
2. when it opens press the menu soft key and select settings
3. select weather options
4. check the box that says "use my location"

you may also have to check this setting:

1. on the home screen hit menu soft key
2. tap settings
3. tap location and security
4. under "my location" check the use GPS satellites box
Thats exactly how I had it set up. I just tried it again and still the same results. Like I said when I have it set like that it doesnt try to aquire my location when I hit refresh. It just says loading and then "No weather location available."

Any other ideas? Is anyone else that did the manual update having similar problems? I know a lot of people were having this issue but what im trying to figure out is if its something wrong with my phone or the fact that I did the manual update.

Thanks again
Thats exactly how I had it set up. I just tried it again and still the same results. Like I said when I have it set like that it doesnt try to aquire my location when I hit refresh. It just says loading and then "No weather location available."

Any other ideas? Is anyone else that did the manual update having similar problems? I know a lot of people were having this issue but what im trying to figure out is if its something wrong with my phone or the fact that I did the manual update.

Thanks again

I did the manual update and don't have an issue. It found my location.

You do realize there is an option to set your location manually, correct?
...on mine I have to manually enter it. Ever since I did the update the weather has never found my location and has stopped working at times. When I refresh is goes straight to loading while hers says acquiring and then loading. Ive played with all of the settings...which arent many...nothing works.

Is there something im missing or what? For me its kind of a big deal since I work construction and at times I travel an hour or more and since we live in ohio the weather changes every 15 min lol...

^^This is why Im askin this question^^
...on mine I have to manually enter it. Ever since I did the update the weather has never found my location and has stopped working at times. When I refresh is goes straight to loading while hers says acquiring and then loading. Ive played with all of the settings...which arent many...nothing works.

Is there something im missing or what? For me its kind of a big deal since I work construction and at times I travel an hour or more and since we live in ohio the weather changes every 15 min lol...

^^This is why Im askin this question^^

lol...did you try walking outside and seeing if it won't get your location that way?
I gave the new weather app a chance but I just un-installed it.

I ride a motorcycle and sometimes I need to look ahead a few days and get hour by hour forecasts.

Can't do this with it so I'm back to WeatherBug..
I can understand with not being able to get hour by hour a couple days ahead. I like it because its clean and easy to read. My problem is having to manually update it which means I have to change it twice a day at least depending on how far the jobsite is away from the house. Granted with the weather getting nice a couple degrees difference isnt so critical but my point is hers works fine and mine doesnt and the only difference is I did the manual update and she did the automatic.

Anyone else have any ideas? Ive tried closing apps that I installed to see if they were conflicting and didnt see any results. As far as walking outside, again if hers works laying right beside mine on the counter than mine should as well.
I would like an answer for this too, mine won't find my location automaticaly

Give it time. I was part of a thread exactly like this where we couldn't even get our cities to show up manually. I'm guessing they're having issues with the server/system lately, because all of ours started working around the same time.

Also, I has mine set to a manual location, but just switched it to use my location, and it still pulls it up...

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Jonny did you manually update or wait for the automatic to 2.1? I had read a few threads that people could only get theirs to work if they manually entered their location...thats actually how I learned to make mine work to begin with. Like I said my fiancée waited for the automatic while I updated manual and hers finds our location but mine doesnt.
I took the ota, but I think some of the others I was talking with did it manually.

Have you noticed any other issues since updating? Many people are finding that a factory reset after the update clears up some common problems.

Here's a thread I created with a list of some of those common issues...

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Hey thanks for the link. Im gonna give appbrain a try and do the factory reset. I'll post back once I finish with results.
Having issues with the weather app as well. Did the manual update, factory reset and still unable to acquire my location (gps on). When I finally got to find my location, it was saying it's partly sunny at 11 pm! I am using a different weather app now.
Having issues with the weather app as well. Did the manual update, factory reset and still unable to acquire my location (gps on). When I finally got to find my location, it was saying it's partly sunny at 11 pm! I am using a different weather app now.

My guess is (and I hope I'm right) that they're still working out the bugs/issues with Droids using the service, since Nexus one was previously the only phone running News and Weather.

Since it took so long for the update to be pushed, it kinda makes sense to me that they didn't get to test it with SO MANY Droid users using the service at the same time.

I use Beautiful widgets, but since they added the feature to link to another app while looking at the 3-day forecast, I linked to this app for a more detailed forecast, but I don't NEED it...

Hopefully, all will be well in good time...