Weird Symbol in the task bar?


New Member
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, all. I'm new here, with a week old Droid.

All's been well so far, until about an hour ago.

I keep getting this weird EN symbol in a gray circle. But it only pops up when I slide the screen up. It's on the right, next to my 3G symbol.

Does anyone know what this is/ever had it/how to get it off?

Thanks bunches!
You mean this:

If so, it means you are connected to EDGE service, EDGE stands for Enhanced Data Rates for Global System mobile Evolution. Unfortunatly, I don't understand how it'd be possible, seeing how it's a GSM thing, & the Droid is CDMA....

If that's not the symbol in question, then I couldn't tell you. That's all I found in my research. Sorry.
Nope, not that.

I wish I could take a screen cap of it. :(
Does it look like a picture of your hard drive with a lock and a bar below it? Does it show up during random moments that you can no longer log in to your Messenger and when you right click on an empty space, nothing happens and you have no choice but to restart your computer? Well, that might be a network bridge. So, you may want to try restoring your system.