Silver Member
So the 15min. Thing is not true, we still have 24hrs for refund correct? Thanks.
Double checking now, hadn't heard that until now but I know recently (within the past two weeks) I've gotten a refund 12+ hours after I purchased it. Let me research a I'll post back. Lots of 'gossip' out there about it but I'll see if I can find an official policy from Google.
Well then... this is pretty weak. It seams the 'new' marketplace does indeed give only a 15min window for returns... supposedly this is tied to your market 'version' though so some are saying if you don't update the marketplace app you still have the 24-hr window. I can't comment on that aspect and I just got the new market last Friday after flashing a new ROM so I don't know if my last refund was grandfathered in because of the market version or the date of purchase... Here's the official policy:
Still, stick with well known apps and do your research before and you'll be fine. Worse case you may waste a few dollars here and there but it's no worse than buying a soda or overpriced coffee or any number of things we all waste money on every day.