Besides looking for the best must have apps for droid.
Whats is best weather/radar app free or paid.
This is a great place to learn! My Fave
apps/widgets so no particular order
1) Weather Widget Donate (looks awesome)$
2) Beautiful Widgets (looks awesome...has a bunch of cool system widgets)$
3) Pure Grid Calender (Handy, simple, syncs with google calender)$
4) Feedr Newsreader (great RSS app..handy widgets)$
5) Pure messenger (syncs with gmail, corp mail, sms, facebook, and twitter)$
6) Power Widget (toggle wifi, bluetooth,gps,sync,brightness)
7)Bloo (facebook app)
8)Droid Light (LED flashlight...I use all the time)
9)Maps...killer navigation
10) Astrid - (Task lists...syncs with
11)Pandora or Slacker
12)Google Listen (podcast finder and player)
13)Weather Channel app
14)More Icons Widgets - allows you to put more apps on a screen or frees us space for more widgets or both!$
I am very proud of my droid....