Active Member
Just please for the love of god build droid 2 global support into your release! Fission is great and all but i want some damn choices here! All we D2G users have is the fission rom!!!
Sent from the F-Zero cockpit on my D2G
Sorry we wil continue with the droid 1 only . The goal of this project was to have people glad they still had the droid 1 over the other alternatives and to insure we spend the time on the droid 1 that othes arent due to the support for multiple phones.
And i have no idea how to do stuff with locked bootloadersim sure i could learn but dont want to
A locked bootloader can still run a custom rom, unless your rom is very dependent on your kernel? Eh. Im just not happy with moto locking me out of MY 600 device!!
Sent from the F-Zero cockpit on my D2G