i'm a 59 year old woodworker who is hoping to become a millionaire manufacturing the mikradle, a multimedia dock for the droid!
i've built high end cabinetry and millwork for the past 39 years - kitchens, bookcases, bars, entertainment centers, custom furniture, etc. And after i received my motorola droid for my birthday last month, i found out i had to take the rubberized vzw cover off the phone in order to use it on their own dock!

since i have the skills, tools and initiative, i built my own dock. And everyone who saw it told me i should start selling them, so i have! I've started selling them on ebay
motorola droid multimedia dock mikradle (mahogany) new! - ebay (item 140367436991 end time jan-12-10 14:08:30 pst)
several here have already bought some, and i'm tickled pink that others wanted more than the plastic docks.
So - how's that for "what i do for a living"? Not that i think i'll be able to quit my regular job though...

proud to be able to make a quality product - mikey