Does this look right?
I made this pretty intense profile set [building from "Periodic Data Check (Juicedefender Replacement)" on the Tasker Wiki]. Not sure if I have everything set up right and would like to have someone more knowledgeable look it over before I activate it. Thanks in advance!!
Ok, the idea here is to turn off Data, Auto-Sync, and WiFi but turn Data
and Auto-Sync,
or Wifi (Preferred) on periodically (every 25 minutes) to get email, etc. It will also turn Data
and Auto-Sync,
or WiFi on if the screen is on, or the phone is charging.
- Are my Variables being Set, Cleared, and Used in the correct way and order?
- Am I using the 'Wait' Task correctly?
- Am I using the "If" statements properly?
- Are the Priorities set correctly? Should I just make them all have the same priority? They need to work together simultaneously...
- Actions are completed in order, not simultaneously right?
- Does Tasker do WiFi scans if WiFi is off?
- Will Tasker do a WiFi scan as soon as WiFi is turned on?
- When a Time Context is set to Repeat every 25 minutes, does it enter for 25 minutes, then exit for 25 minutes? Or does it enter for a certain amount of time, exit, then enter again 25 minutes later? If its the latter, how long is it in the profile? And how could I specify that length of time (with a Wait Action?)?
Profile: Nighttime Data Off (Priority 8)
Context: Time 00:00-6:29
Context: Power State AC
A1: "WiFi" Set Off
A2: "Mobile Data" Set Off
A3: "Auto-Sync" Set Off
Profile: Home WiFi Near Check (Priority 8)
Context: Time 6:30-23:59
Context: Variable Value %WiFi_ON ~ ON
Context: WiFi Near (SSID is set)
A1: Variable Set %WiFi_NEAR to ON
Exit Task:
A1: Variable Clear %WiFi_NEAR
Profile: Campus WiFi Near Check (Priority 8)
Context: Time 6:30-23:59
Context: Variable Value %WiFi_ON ~ ON
Context: WiFi Near (SSID is set)
A1: Variable Set %WiFi_NEAR to ON
Exit Task:
A1: Variable Clear %WiFi_NEAR
Profile: Data Check (Priority 8)
Context: Time 6:30-23:59, repeat every 25 mins
A1: "Stop" if %SCREENSTATE ~ ON
A2: "Stop" if %POWER ~ ON
A3: "WiFi" Set On
A4: Variable Set %WiFi_ON to ON
A5: "Wait" for 30 seconds
(to allow Tasker to perform a WiFi Scan.)
A6: "WiFi" Set Off, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A7: Variable Clear %WiFi_ON, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A8: "Mobile Data" Set On, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A9: "Auto-Sync" Set On, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
Exit Task:
A1: "Stop" if %SCREENSTATE ~ ON
A2: "Stop" if %POWER ~ ON
A3: "WiFi" Set Off
A4: Variable Clear WiFi_ON
A5: "Mobile Data" Set Off
A6: "Auto-Sync" Set Off
Profile: Powered (Priority 6)
Context: Power State any
A1: Variable Set %POWER to ON
A2: "WiFi" Set On
A3: Variable Set %WiFi_ON to ON
A4: "Wait" for 30 seconds
(to allow Tasker to perform a WiFi Scan)
A5: "WiFi" Set Off, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A6: Variable Clear %WiFi_ON, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A7: "Mobile Data" Set On, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A8: "Auto-Sync" Set On, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
Exit Task:
A1: Variable Clear %POWER
A3: "WiFi" Set Off
A4: Variable Clear WiFi_ON
A5: "Mobile Data" Set Off
A6: "Auto-Sync" Set Off
Profile: Screen On (Priority 6)
Context: (Event) Screen On
A1: Variable Set %SCREENSTATE to ON
A2: "WiFi" Set On
A3: Variable Set %WiFi_ON to ON
A4: "Wait" for 30 seconds
(to allow Tasker to perform a WiFi Scan. Is this long enough time? Tasker will run its first WiFi scan as soon as WiFi is turned on right? even though it is set to scan every 100 seconds?)
A5: "WiFi" Set Off, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A6: Variable Clear %WiFi_ON, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A7: "Mobile Data" Set On, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
A8: "Auto-Sync" Set On, If %WiFi_NEAR !~ ON
Profile: Screen Off (Priority 6)
Context: (Event) Screen off
Context: Not Application (Browser, WiFi Tether)
A1: Variable Clear %SCREENSTATE
A2: Stop if %POWER ~ ON
A3: "WiFi" Set Off
A4: Variable Clear WiFi_ON
A5: "Mobile Data" Set Off
A6: "Auto-Sync" Set Off
I realize this is a fairly large program but any help would be greatly appreciated! Even if you could just answer the Questions I have bulleted out it would be a huge help.