Create a new task that opens the app, messenging. the command is load app under the app menu.
Then in the popup task names the text should be the two variables and then press the magnifying glass for the task and select your messenging task you just made. If you need further help I will write out a step by step.
Got it that time. Thank you so much. I love this app, but it has a very steep learning curve for a novice like me.
Thanks again,
Edit: After playing around with this I did notice one issue. I am using Launcher Pro and have the "Unread SMS Count" turned on. When I use the pop to launch Messaging and read the text it does not clear the unread SMS notification from the Launcher Pro Dock Icon. I'm pretty sure that this is an issue with Launcher Pro though, because even if I go directly to the app draw and launch messaging from there, it still does not clear the unread SMS notification. The only way to clear the unread count is to actually use the Launcher Pro Dock Icon to launch messaging. A work around might to be have Tasker Launch Messaging using that App/Shortcut/Icon (I'm not sure of the right term) but I can't find anything in Tasks that looks like what I am looking for. Any suggestions?
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