I got my Innocase last Monday. I would immediately have given it 5 stars. Absolutely no problem with phone functionality.
Totally different story just 5 days later. I got into my car with the holster on. When I got out, I heard a *twang* & the cell phone hit the ground. The clip broke right at the hinge...
When my assistant called Seidio to discuss replacement, the customer service rep was rude, clearly uninterested in helping & basically blamed me for misusing the case. I believe the exact description was "he was a jerk". He gave the impression that Seidio would NOT stand behind this problem (defect or not, I only had the case for 5 days, hardly long enough to *abuse* it).
After contacting online support from Seidio, we have a ticket number, but no confirmation that Siedio will replace the broken holster.
I bought the Innocase because of good reviews & responsive customer service...Proceed with caution...