I have a brand new Droid 4, less than a week old, it is behaving the same way. It called our daughter all by itself. Every morning there is something random on the screen. Yesterday it was texting gobblygook. Today it was google searching gooblygook. It also gets hung up at times and will not respond to any keyboard input.
same problem as OP's, one question though.
would a Droid 2 digitizer work the same as an R2D2 digitizer?
they look the same but the R2D2 one is like twice the price, and i have an R2D2 phone.
that is, if the problem does in fact lie in the digitizer, which is so far what i've gathered.
Important note from the future : (see quote below) Droid A956 does not have the same hardware as A955 & A957. So to answer your question directly, A956 would need its specific part (digitizer or digitizer+glass and/or digitizer cable), whereas hardware for original D2 A955 and "special edition" R2-D2 A957 have interchangeable hardware. Thanks for catching me on that, Gasai Yuno . I'm sure I got confused with the D2 question I was replying to in a D2G thread, sorry. Stricken passages (below) appear in light gray font since I can't find the strike-out-text button. Hope sharing this by editing past thread doesn't create a time paradox...
I'm looking at replacing my "old" Moto D2 R2-D2 Edition with a Droid 4 or a new R2-D2 (Droid 2) per ongoing battles with the screen possession and demons not yet exorcised. Maybe I'm using the wrong encantations? See
Official R2-D2 Owner's Thread for details. The other option I see short-term is to pursue digitizer+glass replacement (don't need the glass but for the cost of parts to include digitizer already mounted to glass versus having to pry & re-apply the thin digitizer itself with replacement under my original glass, weighing the checks and balances here).
Lowcarb, sorry to hear your D4 didn't shake the ghost of D2's misbehavior. It began misbehaving that soon after adoption?
Joyna, What else might the D4 & your prior D2 have in common? Here's why I ask...
I've decided the kids no longer get to play any games on Daddy's business phone, whether it be a new D2/R2-D2 device or a new/refurb Droid 4: I see an easy path to blame them for pinching the screen to hold down the
LEGO App4+ game buttons on-screen that make the truck go vroom. But there are other age/use/exposure factors which probably made my touch screen go wonky. Nah, I totally blame the kids (it began freaking out after they got to play games on it during July 4th holiday).
Now, I'm not suggesting you're doing anything wrong, just curious whether something else may be in common to cause similar behavior (some credit bad power chargers, water/heat/drop exposure ((in my case guilty of shower steam exposure and extended cradle charging time and a couple drops (((none recently))) )) )...
nineteen43, Did you end up replacing your R2-D2? I've been
doing the same calculations Joyna listed, basically, and heavily leaning to replacing with a Droid 4 out-of-pocket versus using Asurion deductible to get a refurbished R2-D2. New artoo unit is ~160 on eBay I see (and going fast out of stock I'm sure) whereas Asurion will want $99 for their refurbished device. I would buy a Droid 4 (even refurbished or gently used) or new R2-D2 via 3rd party instead of under VZW subsidy, just to keep my "unlimited" data in effect. Oh and there's that extra $30 upgrade fee that VZW charges for purchasing a new device from them directly, which we had to pay when replacing wife's LG flip phone at a VZW store in May. Bypassing VZW's shopping cart altogether looks better all the time.
For the record: yes, the D2 (A955)
, D2 Global (A956***) and D2 R2-D2 Edition (A957)
use the same digitizer component and LCD screen. The glass, frame, digitizer, and LCD can all be purchased separately or in various combinations (go fish), and you may see that
- there are 2 OEM outer frame options (chrome or darker "titanium" color),
- the D2/D2G models sport a black screen inner frame design behind the glass (R2-D2 gets extra pinstripe flare), and
- you don't have to replace the LCD to replace the digitizer.
*** Strike out: D2G/A956 Global Edition Droid 2: should not have been part of my hardware reference here. ***
Beware that some vendors require separate purchase of glue/adhesive film for mounting the glass & digitizer to your device, but some include the sticky stuff with a combo digitizer/glass replacement part. I bought a chrome frame with my replacement keyboard overlay but never replaced the cracked chrome on my R2-D2 in February when I swapped its keypads. Now I'm considering buying the digitizer with glass for D2/R2-D2
/D2G*** to correct this personality problem with the touchscreen. I stopped and backpedalled the frame replacement previously about 7 screws into removing the slider for the screen when I realized I would have to pry up the adhesive "stickers" that compose the back of the R2-D2 frame in order to access the remaining screws. It's about that time again (or to abandon this device for a different one). If I swap the digitizer & glass, the cracked chrome outer frame will likely fall apart mid-repair, so may as well use that spare frame that's waiting in a box for just such an occasion.
*** Strike out: D2G/A956 Global Edition Droid 2: D2G replacement parts not interchangeable with D2/R2-D2 models. ***
Wish I may, wish I might, Asurion replace my R2-D2 with a D4 and without a fight? In a more perfect world perhaps.
Helpful note from our friend in this thread's present future (later it is in the past) as promised above:
A955 and A957 are 100% compatible in terms of both hardware and software.
A956's hardware is different.