I've tried a few. Did OpenHome for awhile. Liked it, but it was awfully glitchy and started to feel out of date in terms of themes after awhile.
ADWLauncherEx seems to be the most solid, reliable one I've used so far. Lots of themes, steady functionality, easy to use, lots of options. Kind of tired of the lame themes out there for it though. hope some new designers get into theming (or someone gets smart and gets in touch with me to design something).
Currently am on month 3 with
Go Launcher Ex. There's some things I absolutely love about it, and some things I'm really not pleased about. I like the themes they're putting out... find them "refreshing", even if they're still missing more grown-up feeling themes. The customization is
excellent (as are the availability of other add-on apps for widgets and phone features). They also update frequently! However, I really dislike the massive time it takes to load when opening folders and app drawer, and there have been a few times I've experienced general lagginess while transitioning screens.
Also wanted to give thoughts on the comment quoted below as an addendum.
I'm not sure that GO is leaking much data. I have read that it "phones home" but haven't checked it myself. It was good enough for me that GO had Internet access and was wasting my bandwidth/battery for no reason.
I'm sure it does phone home. While I don't advocate it, as a game developer on other platforms, I do understand that user-data is not only crucial to creating a definitively
usable application---it's also really frick'n helpful. It's ridiculously hard to make decisions for thousands of people. Anyway, back on point: Go Launcher offers their own "Go Store" which I'm assuming is a web-based feature within the app. If that's the case, it's going to need internet permissions in order to access this feature and is going to have to run in the background in order to alert you to new themes, etc. I genuinely like having the Theme Store feature available, although I could do without the notifications. If they'd lose the notifications... it would solve your problems and my dislikes! lol
Hope that's helpful!