What ROM?


May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Upon looking for a few days now I am having a hard time locating which ROM I should flash. Looking for the closest to aosp ics I can get or a good desense utility to use on it. Scots cleanrom with novalauncher ?

from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Anyone with insight? Noticed the ics kernels were sucking my battery dry currently running incredikernel beta 6 on stock debloated.

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Try Xtreme Outcasts' ROM. It's a mash up of a few ROMs and some custom work to get as close to AOSP as possible. It's running Nova Launcher but I swapped out for Launcher2(stock ICS launcher)

Here's a link
[ROM] 2-29-2012 ICS 4.0.3 v2.2 - xda-developersh and if you use the boot.img from the latest leak, it solves the battery and blue flicker issue.
Thank you very very much. Got a link to the kernel also?

I like novalauncher so will probably keep it as the launcher.
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Nope. The phone runs at 1.5ghz. That's better than most netbooks and some laptops on the market. Why on earth would you need to O/C it?
Thank you for the link in your sig. Yeah, you're right. :hail:
Hows the stability on the ICS roms? I have been using GB roms to avoid going through the mainver conflict. I'd like to just stay on ICS once I get there. Any fully functional ICS roms yet?

Sent from my Rezound
See above link. Really this rom is awesome. You won't EVER have mainver problems if you do a fasboot kernel flash instead of using a ph98img.zip. very stable.

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Thank you I will check that rom out. So I will not get a mainver problem if I decide to go back to gingerbread if I flash a kernel in fastboot?

Sent from my Rezound
Any updates so far, Stelv? 95% sure you shouldn't. Only time so far I have used a ph98 is with flashing incredikernel, was still learning some things on how to flash customs on the Rezound.
Haven't loaded up a ICS rom yet, but may give it a try tomorrow when I have a spare moment.

Sent from my Rezound
K. If you got any questions on the flashing process ask away. *thumbs up*

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I'm in ineffabilis for now with go launcher.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
I actually decided to run Scott's new ICS Clean Rom here [ROM] -3/6- CleanROM ICSE 3.6 - ★| ICS 4.0.3 | Tweaks! | Tuned! | Perfected! |★ - xda-developers. He adjusted the Mainver in the Rom to be 1.0, so there will not be any issues going back to Gingerbread if needed. Its running great so far.

I second the CleanRom 3.5. He completely rebuilt it and its as smooth as can be. In my opinion its the best ICS choice if you like stock (stock sense not stock android) look and feel.

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